How to Install and Enable EPEL Repository on RHEL and compatibles like AlmaLinux 8 and 9
How to Install EPEL Repository on a RHEL-based Server
To install EPEL repository on any RHEL, CentOS, AlmaLinux or other RHEL-compatible Linux OS
Before you start, you will need:
- SSH credentials and Logged In as Root
- Text Editor (we use nano in this article, but you can use any editor you are comfortable with)
This article is provided as a courtesy.
Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting third-party applications is outside the scope of basic support provided by Starburst Services.
dnf install epel-release -y
(Example screenshots below are from CentOS Stream 8)
How Do I Verify EPEL Repo Installation?
dnf repolist

How Do I Enable The EPEL Repo?
Note: The EPEL configuration file is located under /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo
nano /etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo

If Not, Change It, Save & Exit.
That’s It.
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KB Article Created: 2021-06-25